Kyaw Swar

4 years ago

Save the Children has worked in Myanmar since 1995...

Save the Children has worked in Myanmar since 1995, helping children to access essential services such as healthcare and education. Since then, Save the Children has expanded its programmes within the country, supporting the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children and their families to access nutritious foods, gainful employment and financial services, community protection, child rights, clean water and sanitation, malaria and TB control and HIV/AIDS treatment.
One-third of Myanmar s population lives in extreme poverty. The country possesses vast natural resources but is ranked only 149 out of 187 countries on the Human Development Index. As the country opens up to the world, it continues to face a host of social and economic challenges, including poverty, a growing HIV/AIDS epidemic, and strained health and education systems.
Save the Children works to improve the lives of children in Myanmar, by helping them to attain the right to survival, protection, development and participation. Our programmes on the ground have yielded positive results in the quality of life for children, families and communities, resulting in invitations to participate in key policy processes at the national level. These include the Comprehensive Education Sector Review, the development of the national early childhood care and development policy and the review of the Child Law. Together with UNICEF, ILO, UNHCR and World Vision, Save the Children has also been a key player in the development and implementation of the joint action plan for the demobilisation of child soldiers.


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