
3 years ago

The Australia Day 2020 cruise was like a bad colle...

The Australia Day 2020 cruise was like a bad college party. Massively overcrowded with far too many tickets sold, people sitting on the floor since there were no seats, AC that couldn t cope with the overcrowding/heat, bad music at maximum volume and poor quality food/drinks. It also didn t leave until nearly 30 mins after the departure time...

When we raised our concerns with the cruise director, we were told that there was plenty of seating on the top level where there is no shade on a 35 degree day and it wasn t their fault it was hot. He claimed they could have up to 1000 people on board - I guess that s how many life jackets they have? It was apparently too hard for their staff to organise the seating to make the most of the available seats since there were bags strewn over seats everywhere.

Starship Sydney has taken a big turn for the worse - I guess they re struggling with competition from the newer boats on the harbour and need to do a quick cash grab


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