Delia Box

4 years ago

This was something that should never have happened...

This was something that should never have happened. A smaller group of us were playing Pickleball at our designated time slot on Tuesday night, when the powers that be decided since there were more volleyball players on the other side of the gym that it was okay to throw us off the courts on our side of the gym. It was like being seated at an eatery, getting your food and than having the manager ask you to leave because there was a larger party that needed the space. It caused quite a ruckus. Often when I am playing Pickleball at the Longview Recreation center there is a small group of Special needs kids occupying a full half of the gym. I suppose that since there a huge number of Pickleball players on the other side of the gym, we should just run them off. I mean we are the majority and that is all that matters right? I think not. I would never dream of depriving them the opportunity to enjoy the facility, just because they are a small group.


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