4 years ago

If your doctor refers you to this clinic for ferti...

If your doctor refers you to this clinic for fertility assistance or IVF, please do yourself a favour and insist on a referral to literally any other clinic.

My sister went through IVF here and they treated her (and every woman) like cattle, with no respect for appointment times or full bladders. Doctors were mostly rushing, unavailable and impatient. I accompanied her throughout and saw it all firsthand. They also gave her wrong information about her implantation being covered by OHIP, despite her checking in with both the Finance dept and the reception. Finance never responded but the nurse at reception assured her she was covered. Weeks passed and she continued on with daily appointments which took up half the day etc. The evening before implantation, when she was all hopped up on hormones, she got a call from CREATE and was informed that her procedure wasn't covered and she was on the hook for all $3000+ upfront the next morning or they wouldn't proceed. Even though my sister explained what she had been told, they blamed her, stating "it's your own fault for asking the front desk" and refused to acknowledge that their staff gave her wrong information based on which she decided to proceed with IVF. If she hadn't paid upfront the next morning, they would have held her embryo hostage and she would have to restart at least another month's worth of cycle monitoring, hormone injections etc. She spent the night before the procedure stressed out and emotional, and that implantation resulted in a miscarriage.

This is only one example of CREATE s systemic unethical callousness, which is why I would caution anyone against entrusting this clinic with their fertility treatments. This is not a healthcare clinic. This is a profit-focused operation that knows exactly how to prey upon and manipulate vulnerable people.

Read the other reviews and make your own decision. There are other options in Toronto and most of them HAVE TO BE better than this truly awful place. Mt Sinai has a fabulous fertility dept that I can vouch for and Trio has been pretty good so far.


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