Shaun Ryan
Review of CareerMakers

3 years ago

After 18 months of working hard for this company I...

After 18 months of working hard for this company I was offered more money to work for another agency. I rang them to say I'd be leaving them the following week and thank you for the continued employment. I was then told that they would match the offer is been made elsewhere, fantastic I thought, it saves me the hassle of moving agencies and sites. After this conversation I worked 2 weeks only to find my my pay rise hasn't gone in yet, I rang up but was told the only person who had access to my account was off on holiday. The same thing happened the week after and so on the third week I rang and managed to get hold of the person only to be told my rise was dependent on the company I worked for agreeing to my wage rise and that it would all be back dated....... obviously that wasn't part of the original arrangement but I played along thinking it would all be agreed and back dated. 6 weeks on I received a phone call to say I wouldn't be receiving my rise as the company didn't agree to it......... great!!!! I'm now working for the same rate as I was before and not receiving what I was promised from the start...... and also I've turned down a better played job because of what I was told.
I have repeatedly tried to resolve things by phone calls but yet keep getting passed from pillar to post. I have rang the office for some kind of clarity as one of the bosses said all calls are recorded, I gave him a date and time that the original conversation happened and the conversation has mysteriously disappeared from the logs, surprise surprise.
All in all I feel I've been duped from moving on to a better job by greedy staff and after 18 months of hard graft I feel aggrieved about it all.
To add insult to injury they emailed my boss to say I was "demanding" a pay rise or I'd be leaving which was never the case and almost lost me my employment.
I wouldn't recommend this agency to anybody as they'll tell you exactly what you want to hear before screwing you over........ not a great way to do business or treat people


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