3 years ago

Had I been able to review this with no stars at al...

Had I been able to review this with no stars at all I would have done! Such a badly organised airport! Simply the worst I have ever experienced in a lot of years of travelling. The queues to get through security were just short of an hour, and although there were lots of staff milling around only 1 X-ray machine was in use! Even the gate notification was badly organised with people queuing in the wrong places. Despite arriving a full two hours before the flight there wasn t even time for a quick cup of tea. A very bad start to our day and lot of people started their holiday grumpy, irritated and the airport manage to lose revenue in their cafe and duty free!i I understand travel has changed and a lot more checks are taken. We all have to be a bit more patient but usually staff are on hand to deal with this. Doncaster airport just aren t! A serious look should be taken at the management of this airport.

Lastly, credit where it s due, the meet and greet parking was very efficient!


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