Erin Hurley

4 years ago

All this school wants and cares about is MONEY. Co...

All this school wants and cares about is MONEY. Coming here was one of the biggest mistakes I ve ever made. On the first day, it was completely unorganized. Nobody even asked or cared to help the people moving into their dorms. I had to take all my stuff, BY MYSELF, to my dorm on the FIFTH floor. I live in Langdale right now, and it is awful. Taking the roommate survey is a complete waste of time because they will pair you with whomever they want. The dorms are disgusting. Georgia Hall and Centennial Hall are the only dorms worth staying in. The RHD at Langdale is rude, and she never does her job. I think it's important for an RHD to not pick favorites and to be able to help/listen to her residents whenever they need her. She doesn't do this at ALL. I have had two roommates, who both constantly used and stole my stuff without permission. Even when the roommates admitted to the RHD what they did.. She didn't do ANYTHING about it. The only time something was finally done was when one of the roommates let their friends sleep in MY bed while I was away. That is unacceptable. During winter break, I had ankle surgery. I came back to Valdosta having absolutely nobody care to help open doors for me or even help me in general. Langdale doesn't have a handicap shower that I could use which I think should be mandatory. Carrying my shower caddy while opening a door and jumping over a ledge into a shower all while on crutches was difficult and ridiculous. All residence halls should have handicap showers. I will never walk inside the bookstore again. They overcharge students for USED books. Also, I was charged over $100 for a book that I did NOT rent. When I asked the head of the bookstore where the receipt was showing that I rented the book, she couldn't find it, of course. I ended up having to pay for this book I apparently rented because if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to register for classes. The parking deck is forever away. Yes, VSU has shuttles that take you to the parking deck, but you could walk there and back before a shuttle even gets to you. The parking personnels give you a ticket no matter where you park regardless of how long you've been there. Even if you're in a 45-minute parking spot and you just got there, you're getting a $15.00 ticket. Now that doesn't seem like a lot of money, but it sure does add up when you continuously get them. They usually don t take the hold off of your record after you paid the ticket until you ask them to take it off. You have to be advised by an advisor before every new semester in order to be able to register for classes. Which honestly, I think that s good, but not if they do not know how to take notes and keep up with who has been advised or not been advised. I went to my advisor and got advised, but they did not raise my flag in order for me to register. I ended up having to wait FIVE days to get advised AGAIN to register for classes. I showed up on time to my appointment when my advisor was 30 minutes late. By the time I got advised and was able to register, every class that I was going to take, which was 14 hours worth, was gone. The dining halls are disgusting, and the food is nasty. It's not even worth eating. Studying here, I have only had a total of two good professors. One of which is Donna Sewell, an English professor. She's great and she taught me a lot. The other professor I loved was Jimmy Taw. He was my History professor. I enjoyed him thoroughly. The only thing that I have liked about Valdosta is the gorgeous campus. I think I would have a different opinion on this school had my first year been better. This school was not for me, clearly, and I can't wait to leave. I just hate I wasted my first year of college at this university. Good luck to anyone who decides to go here.


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