
alcyn45 ru

4 years ago

today August 24, 2017

today August 24, 2017
Hello. I think it is very urgent to do something, to avoid killing ourselves with the current levothyrox! for some time now, many of us have had more or less serious effects! Personally since March I have serious muscle problems from the buttocks to the thighs and calves with severe tendinitis in the right buttocks, my vision is becoming more and more blurred, I must urgently consult my ophtamo tomorrow 24 August 2017 I suffer from tachycardia for a month linked to my cramps and pain when I get up in the morning and often during the day
I also suffer from dehydration I refuse to take it, I am afraid of the problems that I encounter, too serious. Thank you, otherwise it will end up yet another health scandal and there, if something happens to me, my husband will file a complaint against the state. Thank you for hearing us!

Why did the French Merck laboratory change its composition when the old formula levothyrox is still on sale in Italy and it suited me and certainly others? Why don't we have a choice to choose between the two versions? It's always a question of money for large laboratories !!!!!!


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