Mike Storms

4 years ago

Fisher Eye & Laser Center is hands down the best a...

Fisher Eye & Laser Center is hands down the best at what they do.

I am a research guy and I don't buy something expensive unless I thoroughly understand the product or the service I'm buying. In my research I found that there are different types of lasers on the market varying in capability since 20 years ago until today. Trust me, you want the latest and the greatest tech for your eyes and if the surgery is "cheap" than beware.

I am 47 years old and I had Lasik eye surgery on Aug 22nd, 2019. The process isn't that bad but it's not like sitting in a chair for 5 minutes either (as some of my friends from 20 years ago told me). You do have to cooperate with the surgeon during the procedure but honestly, the surgeon and his team ran the room like professionals. Their clear communication with each other and with me, made me feel calm (mostly) during the procedure (about 15 minutes).

Yes, you'll feel pressure on your eye when they do the first incision. There's a little rubber donut that they set on top of your eye and when the machine comes down it feels like suction or pressure. You'll lose vision in that eye for the moments they perform this part of the procedure but just take a few deep breaths and it's over. They then switch machines and do the "corrective" part of the procedure. This part was weird because you can see what they are doing but it was painless. So part 1 hurts a little and it's over fairly quickly. Part 2 takes longer but it's painless and a little weird because you can see the surgeon working on your eye (the same eye you're receiving the procedure on). Take the valium, it helps :) I took 1.5 pills before surgery to calm me down and 1.5 pills after to help me sleep.

Healing time...Immediately after surgery I highly recommend you eat ALL the valium you have left over from the surgery as a sleep aid. When I first got home and administered the medicine (eye drops) it burned a bit like lemon juice for a few seconds. The staff told me repeatedly to GO TO SLEEP when I got home so I was obedient and after only 2 hours of sleep the initial pain from the surgery subsided about 90%. From there, I did the medicinal eye drops 3 times a day for the next 7 days. I initially had some blood spots in my eyes (my right was worse than my left) but by day 7 the redness had reduced by about 70%. I also had to wear protective goggles when I slept to avoid accidentally rubbing my eyes at night. So you'll have some minor aggravation for one week but I'm here to tell you it's worth it! On the 8th day I saw the doctor again and he said that I am healing very quickly and that I no longer needed the eye drops.

The conclusion...I now have 20/15 vision in both eyes and I can read text messages on my phone and look at my computer screen without glasses or contacts for the first time in 22 years! I no longer have night vision problems when driving either. I do however need reading glasses at 1.25 power for when I read books or medicine bottles but that's no big deal for me. Best money I ever spent with a lifetime guarantee in case adjustments are needed as I get older (the staff will explain).

Also, if you don't have the insurance or the cash but you have good credit, Fisher can turn you on to a interest free payment plan for 2 years. These guys provide a pretty amazing service in a world that needs more excellence! Lastly, the medicinal eye drops are expensive but Fisher will help you find the best methods for getting the RX cheaper from your pharmacist.

Thank you sincerely,
Mike Storms
Naples full timer


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