Adam Lasnik
Review of CCSF

4 years ago

[from Aug 2006]

[from Aug 2006]

Overeducated-snob alert!
* * *

I've taken three classes at City College.
The first -- an intermediate level dance class -- was taught by a very capable and caring instructor, but far too many people selfishly took this class despite (knowingly) not even knowing the basics. "I couldn't fit the beginning class into my schedule, and I wanted an easy 'A'" said one of them. Jerk.

The second was taught by an instructor who was moderately proficient in her subject, but seemed at least a bit burnt out.

The third class was taught by a decently smart and dedicated fellow, but the ambience felt so much like high school, I almost ran screaming out into the parking lot after the first week. Reminders not to chew gum, the taking of attendance... it was clear that a lot of the kids here were just grudgingly fulfilling their language requirement and had no passion for learning another language.

Indeed, that is my biggest gripe about this place. Passion. Walking around campus, sitting in classes... it just feels like folks are going through the promotions. Trying to get into a better school. Taking classes because their parents are forcing them to. Love of learning? I sure didn't see a whole lot of it. And after my mostly-inspiring years in undergrad and grad school... this was all rather bleak and depressing.

* * *

So why THREE stars? Well, I feel that affordable education should be available to everyone. The campus is pretty accessible by public transit. And at least a couple of the CCSF instructors I've met are cool people.


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