Russell Lee G

4 years ago

at one time one of the worst run facilities in Va ...

at one time one of the worst run facilities in Va ..overcrowded and poor classification process..all you halfwits crowing about "its jail,its not supposed to be pleasant "youre partially right..BUT..you dont put the guy or gal that had an extra glass on wine with dinner(then was pulled over) in the same area with armed robbers,rapists and hard core drug dealers or unidentified gang members (no prison or street gang task forces is available) overcrowding is abysmal .The sheriff has taken over the kitchen,the canteen and just about every other profit driven program..They now serve (delivered to your block) hot food is you or your family can afford it..obviously causes problems with inmates (for whatever reason) have NOTHING and or NO ONE on the outside looking out for them..and with whatever the price per day fee,the last thing they do is walk you down to the accounting office and hand you a bill.which is fine for some..The others with NO support structure upon release are saddled with the accumulation of their debt upon release..DEBT,NO job programs upon release,no after release support system to insure a lower rate of repeat offenders...the person that has NOTHING but a bill upon release will go back to doing what he or she did BEFORE their arrest.Human nature is to do whatever needs to be done in order to survive.NO JOBS?! They will go right back to selling drugs or stealing to eat and shelter themselves..abolishing parole sounds good to short sighted people that cant see past their own lives but in reality it has insured overcrowding and the previously mentioned mixing of Violent inmates and NON violent inmates(both with nothing to aim for).OH..also the sheriff has seen fit to sell e ciggs//all the profit was supposed to go back into the facility to fund some of the above mentioned programs..it DID /DOES not..gave themselves pay raises and hired more deputies.a few things might seem better to the Inmate that has the support system (and the money) to do their time in semi luxury but those that dont..react with resentment..so..YES,,,jail is supposed to be unpleasant..FOR EVERYBODY...Not just for the ones that cant afford luxury items.alternative sentencing for non Violent offenders,a larger substance abuse program,parole and LOTS of community service is the answer..let em work off their fines (all of them) and get them cleaning up the city.lots of low income areas that have elderly citizens that can no longer afford,or are capable of caring for their yards,..Highways,streets,snow removal in winter..there is plenty for NON violent inmates to do...Virginia inmate advocate Russell L.Gitlitz (and former inmate at one time)


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