Susan Jiang

4 years ago

I dream school too in 4 years too. I am bilanuage,...

I dream school too in 4 years too. I am bilanuage, watched many of there alumni for years. I am actually Chinese, but I was born is America and grew up in America, can't wit to go back to China and hopefully get in, hear that that only selected about 25 student form China every yeear about from the 1 million applied, I guess I have to work 10 times harder now but I will be applied and coming. Beijing Film Academy wait for me! My family don ' t like this idea of me studying in China, but its been my dream and what motivates my everyday.
Please wait for me at the Beijing Film Academy, and choose my name after four years. You are my university. I have already determined that Du Gu Xing Lu, Jiang Weiqi, Susan Jiang, do n t forget me, I really want to come, you can find me Douyin, Kuaishou, Weibo, Youtube, Instagram.


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