3 years ago

Yea, I gotta agree with the majority of the review...

Yea, I gotta agree with the majority of the reviews and say the place needs a desperate overhaul to its operations and business side. My doctor was engaging, kind, and professional...but there seems to be zero effort towards patient retention and (from what I've seen in this timeline of reviews) zero effort towards improvement. I had two recent cancellations which included problems like:

No confirmation messages for appointment dates (one hand-written card- no phone, email, text), and no reminder messages or any idea who to contact for a reminder.

Only one listed number to call which automatically goes to answering machine.

Said answering machine telling you NOT to call that number about cancellations (but giving no alternative contact information).

No alternative contact information AT ALL. No office contact info, scheduling contact info, or even any billing contact info.

So, in other words, I'm left sitting here with my hands in the air with no idea who to contact, how to do a simple reschedule, and how to even pay my bills! All the simple things that are so easy to take care of at any other doctor's office or medical business. Then, I read down the review timeline here and see they've consistently had the same problems cited over and over all the way up until very recently. That is the worst offense to me- it just smacks of, "we know and we don't care."


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