Ente Bosma

3 years ago

Last Sunday we had dinner here. 8 courses and a ch...

Last Sunday we had dinner here. 8 courses and a cheese plate. It was fun with a capital G! Unfortunately, a number of things did not go well. 1: we were not allowed onions and 1 course had onion. 2: We had clearly indicated in advance that we did not want mussels, but to our surprise the service came up with mussels and finally we had to notify the service itself that a hang had been skipped! This should not be possible at all in a two star restaurant. What we personally found very unfortunate is that during the checkout they did not come back to this themselves. A pity and not hospitable at all! We come from Zwolle and are big fans of the Liberije, what hospitality and geniality are in the blood here! I would like to hear what the chef himself thinks of this. Nothing more than praise about the food and entourage and despite the carelessness, we had a great evening! We hope to discover air Republic soon.


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