D. Sanchez

4 years ago

I study videogames in the CEV, and for family reas...

I study videogames in the CEV, and for family reasons I have moved several times between Madrid and Barcelona, so I know the two centers.

I love the CEV teaching mode, the facilities in Madrid are bigger than those in Barcelona, but both are great.

Without a doubt it is a good place to study and learn, with a lot of attention, they are really attentive.

I also have the peculiarity that I studied part of this cycle in another center, so I can also compare the educational quality (material from the classrooms, knowledge and help from the teachers ...)

Honestly, I would rate above the maximum grade for this center. It is an honor to be there, with professors who have really worked and are working in the sector, who are always open to their students both academically and curiously (we have forums where we can talk, for example, about current games, which would be outside of student agenda but that nevertheless enriches you a lot).

They have worked hard to take care of me despite my difficulties (I moved from Barcelona to Madrid, from Madrid to Barcelona, ... and soon to Germany). And to fix all the issues they have given me several options so that I can study like all my classmates.

Entering from another center, they looked and asked me what I know and what I do not, and we validated the subjects that I had already done, to others in a record time.

(It was assumed that in the other student center I was going to change the cycle to online, but at the last moment they said No, so I contacted the CEV and literally in two days I had everything ready and could go back to sleep peacefully knowing that I could study without problems despite going to another autonomous community).

Good points: Everything. Attention, way of teaching, teachers, problem solving, subject ...

His teaching is spectacular: in the other center he had to spend sleepless nights because of the overload of work, here I learn more and with a normal schedule (you have to work a lot, obviously ... But you have time to rest perfectly).
However, really, in less time you learn a lot more. It seems pure magic but it is explained with 40 years of teaching behind his back, where without any doubt they have been reporting, updating and improving.

Computers, for example, are totally suitable for the agenda: I have given them good cane and have endured perfectly. In the other center to which I went we were extinguished in the exams and everything (because to study this, the computer must be powerful).

They are totally transparent: in those two days in which they fixed the papers running, they sent me a PDF with the specifications that my machine (pc) had to support everything we will do in the course. In other centers where I asked, they did not warn about anything and even when I got there, I asked and they gave me wrong information (I bought a 300 component and then I had to change it because it did not work).

Really, if you have doubts stay with this center, it is totally worth it.


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