Cameo Amalthea

3 years ago

I stay at a lot of Marriott owned properties becau...

I stay at a lot of Marriott owned properties because their the preferred hotel of my agency if I have to travel for work and I generally love the experience I get why Marriott. Since the merger I ve stayed at a few Sheratons and never had a good experience.

I don t want to be a choosy beggar, come off as entitled or be a Karen but I have to wonder why it is when I m staying in a hotel spending 400 dollars I get worse service than I would for have the price at a Fairfield. No upgrade despite my reward status and it wasn t that nothing was available it was just policy not to offer much to gold members (I ve stayed 36 nights so far and I d like to feel like my loyalty is valued since I often pick this brand over cheaper/more convenient options when traveling for leisure). They did say the room I was in would be upgraded and have a large TV. It didn t. The TV was tiny...

Why build expectations?

The TV also didn t offer any way to connect to streaming services. Again why so cheaper less star chains have better amenities than higher end hotels chains?

Check out was inconvenient. I called early in the morning asking if it would be possible to have a cart or bellhop at my room at 1:30-2:00 timing. They told me I couldn t schedule an exact time and I would have to call the bell desk and join a que. I did so and was told I d be called when a cart was available. That meant staying ready to run back up to the room in a moments notice.

When I hadn t received a call by 2:00 I called down and was told they d have someone up shortly. I then got a call from the bell desk saying there was a cart there and I d have to run back down to the lobby to grab it and there wouldn t be anyone available to help with the cart.

And again, it s not so much the lack of things available as being told I could have one thing (someone up to meet me, which is why I was waiting around in the room) and then being told actually no.

And I really don t want to seem lazy. It s just I had come up to the room specifically because I was told to go there, and I stayed waiting because I was told to stay and then I m told actually come downstairs and get your cart or we are giving it to the next person in line...

Getting up and down the elevators meant getting downstairs wasn t exactly easy. You had to hope there was space to get on. Whereas I d assume if someone was available to bring carts they d have their own service elevator available. So being told after coming up that actually I need to go back down was seriously inconvenient.

I m a small gal who was in heals that day, my husband has bad knees and walks with a cane. Assistance would have been nice. Or at least being honestly told what to expect and where to wait...


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