Alyssa Phillips

4 years ago

On Sunday 3/27 my husband rushed me to the ER at 3...

On Sunday 3/27 my husband rushed me to the ER at 3am. I was 6 weeks pregnant and had been vomiting constantly for 3 days. I was unable to keep down anything--including water. The front desk attendant was very nice and got me to a room fairly quickly, unfortunately that's where the decent service stopped. The nurses and doctors who saw me all said it was just morning sickness and I should try to eat some crackers. This is my 3rd pregnancy--I know what normal morning sickness is. They said I was a little dehydrated and gave me one bag of fluids and a nausea prescription. They sent me home and I was still vomiting as I was wheeled to the curb. Once home, I was unable to keep down my meds they gave me and spent the rest of the day and all night vomiting again. I returned to the ER on Monday 3/28 at 0730 and was made to wait in the waiting room for over 2 hours, the whole time I was vomiting. We informed the front desk that there was no wait at Clayton ER and we would be leaving--the attendant was very rude and said that's fine but you'll still be billed for coming in. So we waited another 45 minutes and were finally taken back. The nurse who took my info was very rude and snarkily asked why I was back--if I took the meds I was prescribed I would be fine. I told her I couldn't keep them down and she shook her head and left. When the doctor came in, and hour later, he said it was morning sickness and I should try some crackers. SERIOUSLY? They refused to give me any meds until I gave them a urine sample, not easy when you haven't had more than an ice chip in 4 days. They gave me a bag of fluids and sent me home. At this point I refuse to go back to the ER so I waited miserably (vomiting constantly) until Friday 4/1 when my OB could see me. Turns out I had lost 11 lbs in 5 days, I was severely dehydrated, and there were ketones in my urine--for those that don't know, that means your body has gone into starvation mode and is eating itself. My OB sent me to the inpatient side of the hospital with a hand written note saying to admit me and not discharge me until she said to. Luckily, the inpatient care was phenomenal. The nurses and attendees on the 4th floor were amazing. 28 hours and 7 bags of fluids later I was able to be discharged. If it weren't for the 4th floor workers, this would be a zero star facility. Just because someone is pregnant doesn't mean everything is fixed with crackers.


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