
4 years ago



At the beginning of the month, my wife was involved in an accident with one of their drivers. She was not at fault, he got out, gave all of his information, apologized, and went on his way. My wife called the police, but they said since no one was injured, they were not going to come out and do a report.

We then worked with the insurance company to rectify the situation. Today, we got word from their insurance company that they are NOT going to pay for the damage because it is his word versus ours. My, how the story changes, when the driver at fault lies.

I can t speak to the fact on how honest they are when they sell cars (we have only bought one car from them), or even maintain vehicles. However, if they are are dishonest and lie, I can promise you I will never feel comfortable buying another car from them. Worst part is this car that they scratched up, was one we did buy from them last year. NEVER AGAIN.


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