
alice chung

3 years ago

Disclaimer: I work in this building but do not wor...

Disclaimer: I work in this building but do not work FOR the building - get it?

The building itself is magnificent and easily can be taken for granted when clocking in and out of this place every day for several years on end. I often don't realize how "cool' the place is or how lucky I am to be able to access this building on a daily basis and be a part of its community.

The fountain area on San Vicente is a famous and popular area often used to host exclusive Hollywood industry parties, production location, and various other types of events. We're talking HBO, Oscars, BMW and all kinds of brands/companies who transform the area into an unbelievable venue for their events.

Right outside in the courtyard of the building is one of three MOCA museums. This one is FREE every day and always has a rotating artist being featured.

The building is fascinating because of the architecture but also very confusing to outsiders because all they see from the are three parts - green, blue and red. These are different buildings that houses different companies. The Green building is pretty much all offices and various retail, advertising, PR, and marketing companies take up much of the space here. The Blue building is where the designers can be found. High-end rugs, furniture, kitchen remodeling, home decor... you name it, they have it. But price tags are extremely high so us employees often can only afford to stare at the pieces rather than buy anything.

The Red building is barely finishing up last touches of its many years of construction. We suspect they may be having problems trying to rent the space out but it looks like more offices for various companies similar to the ones who are in the Green building. The parking lot looks finished but still not a lot of traffic going on there. Just some speculation here.....

The building is well secured and seems to have a 24-hour security.

It's conveniently located right across the street from the amazing West Hollywood library and West Hollywood Park. Great places to hang out at during lunch time!


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