Misty Fisher

4 years ago

I took my disabled husband up there for a absessed...

I took my disabled husband up there for a absessed tooth and i told the doctor that we had a appointment with the dentist on aug 27th to pull all of his teeth because his teeth are pretty bad. He asked the doctor for a antibiotic and something for pain he was almost in tears from pain and they only gave a antibiotic and refused any pain meds told him to take ibuprofen and tooth pain is worse than any pain i have ever felt....i am contacting insurance to make sure to refuse payment...they did no service to us and get a $1000.00 bill in the mail.....i would put a zero if i could...oh ya and about 6 months ago he came in by ambulance with chest pains and think he is only 5 ft 5in and is 385 well when the ambulance got there with him they told them to put him in the waiting room in a chair.....so i put him in my car and took him to another hospital knowing something was wrong and sure enough he was having a heart attact so he got to come home a week later...dont sent your dieing dog there.....


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