3 years ago

For years I was paying for in home visits from a V...

For years I was paying for in home visits from a VON foot care nurse, she rates 5 stars herself. My major complaint certainly has nothing to do with her at all. I am though extremely annoyed with the head honcho of the Peterborough VON foot care service who discontinued the in home service as of March, 2019. The reason being that they don't find it economically feasible anymore. I know I absolutely would have been willing to pay as much as $100 per visit ($60 had been the cost). Quite likely some others, if not all on her route would have been ok with such an increase so as to still be able to receive an important medical service.

This has left myself (and others) who don't drive in an extremely difficult, if not impossible situation when it comes to getting necessary foot care. Not only do I not drive but I live alone, have no one in the rural area that I live who will take me to Peterborough to attend the VON office there which is approx. an hour drive away.

The inconvenience and annoyance this has caused is beyond description. Well, I could describe it much more so but my review wouldn't be posted. I am going to have no choice but to have my 80 year old Mother drive out to get me every 2 months to take me to Peterborough so I am able to see the VON nurse for foot care. That will require 4 hours driving (round trip) from where she lives in Peterborough to come and get me, take me to Ptbo. for an appointment, drive me home AND THEN drive another hour to get herself home not to mention the cost of gas!

Whoever made the decision, head honcho who's name I don't know, one would think that before greed clouded your vision you would have at least considered keeping the in home service by charging more money. No consultation with any of the clients, just canceled out of the blue with a letter sent out to say so. Finally, in your organization's numerous clerical/receptionist's mistakes that I have been privy to over the years you didn't even send the letter to me about the in home service being cancelled!


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