Legendary2003 Dryden

3 years ago

I hate this school, if I had a chance to leave, I ...

I hate this school, if I had a chance to leave, I would take that opportunity. The reason why I hate this school is because the no place for hate at this school is not true, I get picked on all the time, and I also get detentions for the most stuped reason, and durring the soaring eagle day, when they say it's really hard to get a detention, THAT'S WRONG, I just got a detention in scholastic lab yesterday 2/10/17, for eating a granola bar, no warning, didn't know it was a rule, then was just handed a detention, and said for the reason, eating in science room. First, it's not science class, and second the teacher hands out candy all the time in that room! And i looked in the code of conduct, and read the whole thing, says nothing about no eating in class. Or you will get a detention, and the other time I got a detention was because my mom texted me in the middle of class, and the reason why it's in my poket is because the last time my phone was in my backpack, the screen shatterd, and my dad said the next time it breaks you will pay for a new screen and have to fix it, and it will be taken away. And also I texted her earlier because I wasn't feeling well. And that's why I'm giving this school a ONE STAR RATING!!!!!!!! I WISH YOU COULD HAVE A ZERO STAR RATING!!!!!


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