Carlos Baldrich

4 years ago

In 2014 I had an accident with a client of this co...

In 2014 I had an accident with a client of this company. The guy made a forbidden turn at an intersection that I was going through on my scooter and fortunately his guilt is proved to a large extent.

In case the personal damages had not been enough I had the bad luck to take the laptop from work (before it was self-employed) and my cell phone was on top. You can imagine how they finished, the folded macbook and the iPhone with the two shattered glasses. I was dying at that moment and the last thing that happened to my wife was to show her the phone and the Mac to the police, so we did not fall. And although the whole world is mobile and the police declared that I had a wallet / backpack, in no document did it appear that both devices were destroyed. 1st error. LEARNING FOR OTHERS: if you spend a minute, you or who accompany you so that a witness or the police see the damage in this type of equipment.

Continuous, despite being made papilla the same night of the accident my wife could pass photos and bills to both companies of my broken appliances. I am all registered and those of the mutual never told me what if they would not give it back to me. Weeks later when the repair of my motorcycle was processed and the medical treatment was finished I was informed that my compensation was ready and that I could go for the check to its headquarters.

I introduced myself and a very kind lady handed me a piece of paper to sign before removing the heel. It was a waiver to take legal action if the check was cashed. That already seemed strange to me. I asked him if that was limited to medical damages and of course he said yes. When in doubt, I asked him to detail on the receipt of the receipt that it was exclusively about the medical damages, he made it crappy by hand. And as a good naive I signed the resignation. 2nd error. SUGGESTION: consult a lawyer or your insurance if everything is in order before signing a document like that.

At that time my chances of claiming all the damages on the Mac and the iPhone disappeared. Consult my insurance and they told me that with that resignation they could not do anything. Anyway, now I know I could have been more clever with them. But I mistakenly expected a company like this to act in good faith. It is seen that if you can get your eyes out they will do it, so beware of these crows.

I'm not going to be compensated for anything anymore, but at least now you'll know what kind of thing we're talking about.


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