Brian Myers

3 years ago

When I arrived at VVSD,I was stubborn,angry,broken...

When I arrived at VVSD,I was stubborn,angry,broken,immature,in denial and lost. I lost part of my family ,because of my mental illness and my alcoholism.I charged with the help of the caring and loving staff. I found a new family at VVSD and a new life. Now, because of VVSD, I have dedicated my life in helping others in this journey of life..

I'm now a CBHT/CPSS and soon to be a CVRS and I have completed my first semester at Rio Salad Collage,where I taking Online Courses in Addiction Studies at My GPA was a 3.75, not too bad for not being in college for 32 Years.Fall 2019,I will become a LASAC in AZ.I have worked in Addiction/Mental Health since 2010 and at 3 Treatment Center where it cost $30,000 a month and they don't even compare to VVSD. VVSD is the BEST Treatment Center by far!!! Do you want to know why?The Staff at VVSD inspires, challenges ,cares and believes in the Residents. The Staff has real life experiences not like the staff at treatment centers where I worked, they learned everything from books.Sorry, I missed Stand Down,but I got my 7th Kidney Stone Thursday @0300Hrs. Happy 4th and Remember "There's Always Hope even in the Darkest Moments."
RIP Jim St John my Dear Friend. I was a Resident at VVSD 9 Sept 15 --27 Mar 17

Toksha ake wacinyuanktin ktelo I shall see you again
Brian D. Myers Payson,AZ


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