Matthew Capelli
Review of WVUR - 95.1 FM

3 years ago

I went to this university to swim and get a great ...

I went to this university to swim and get a great education in biology and psychology. The science facilities where labs were held hadn t been updated in Lord knows how long. Every freshman has to take a core class and my second semester my professor was the catholic minister of the school who discriminated against me for my religious beliefs. That s when I knew this school was a joke. I would say 75% of the freshman are promised tens of thousands in scholarships throughout their four years from the school which convinces a lot of them to choose Valpo then after their freshman year they take away almost everybody s scholarships after their established at Valpo and half their credits won t transfer. They pump their money into new dorms, new sorority housing, and adding to the already extravagant church while neglecting to update their outdated education facilities. The athletics spends all its money on its average basketball team. The swimming pool was literally a gas chamber and some of my teammates on the swim team who were juniors and seniors had developed asthma swimming in that pool so long. It s an engineering school but the campus itself is poorly engineered so there s always huge pools of water everywhere. You ll have to move your car so there s somewhere for them to put all the snow in the winter. The student population is pretty cool I made a ton of friends with a lot of great people but it s mostly kids from mommy daddy money with everything handed to them. I got falsely accused of cheating by a student with a vendetta against me and had to go through a long, drawn out process with their judicial board just for them to tell me I didn t cheat. I had a professor with a Christian psychology degree - must be a degree given by Valpo themselves because those are probably one of the only people still living in the nineteenth century incorporating religion with science. He was also clueless on most modern day psychology, so was the head of the psych department who looked like he was still alive from the nineteenth century. My current roommate graduated from Valpo and they did a horrendous job with his career placement and search before graduating because now he works for - believe it or not - a Lutheran organization and doesn t make half of what I do without a college degree. I hear the engineering program is decent but definitely has nothing on Purdue s which is a fraction of the cost. Long story short, Valparaiso university is a big fat waste of money and I would stay far away from this cold, desolate place. Engineering kids - save your parents some money and go to Purdue. Valpo is a joke of a university.


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