Arthur WIlson

3 years ago

I have received above average care in many years o...

I have received above average care in many years of using this clinic. I have been seen here from it's inception, the clinic previously had been at the downtown Federal building. Although my experience was mostly positive, in recent years the relationship with the adjacent Tripler AMC seems to have changed drastically, affecting greatly the quality and access of treatment for veterans. Many of the Tripler clinics used to be available to veterans through consultations with their Primary Care Provider, their assigned module physician. Now basically only the general surgery and emergency services seem available to veterans, the rest being provided through a community based provider system. Quality took an immediate hit, mainly the length of time and communication of the third party provider, Tri-West, the services scheduler and agency used through the Veteran's Choice program. Times became longer for care as the PCP had to request the VA to request the care through Tri-West, who would find a doctor or clinic for the veteran here in Honolulu from their location on the mainland, Arizona, I think. anyhow since this program has started, care has become fragmented, sometimes seeing the wrong specialists a number of times, each time starting over at square one with trying to get your PCP to give a consult, then trying to get to the correct provider clinic, with sometimes chaotic results. In my case, after being treated for severe facial pain following an operation at Tripler over three years ago, I was finally allowed to see the Pain Clinic at Tripler. Although they were starting to help, I was once again sent out by Tri-West to the provider that had been treating me without success in the pst. He is an excellent physician, the problem being he could not do more under the guidelines and procedures authorized by Tri-West. This time, I am being sent to him with procedures on my BACK, that I am not having a problem with. They include a spinal tap, spine-fusing, and other scary things I would never consent to doing. I tried to point this out to Tri-West a few times, and was once again sent the same authorization for treatment of my back, and told if I did not go, I was subject to losing the ability to receive any treatment in the future. I am and have been for over twenty years a hundred per cent disabled by severe PTSD, and have never been treated by any other than the VA. So I am afraid of what is happening. While my facial pain has increased to the point that I am basically bed-ridden by pain, I have to get up and go to a clinic that I do not want to go to, the doctor has treated me in the past and already told me he does not know what or why I am seeing him for this, and he can't do anything for my face, only the ones that Tri-West has listed, and if I don't go I lose the ability to be treated for I guess ANYTHING in the future.
If you have to be seen here-good luck! You will need all you can find. Just be persistent and firm, and definitely do not miss an appointment you do get. Always try to be prepared with what knowledge you do have about your condition, and make a list of questions and issues you want to be addressed. Sign up for the on line HealtheVet service, you can track appointments, medications, medical records, etc. It is invaluable to have.


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