Vorname Nachname

3 years ago

Just a few months ago bought two Aldi Tslk prepaid...

Just a few months ago bought two Aldi Tslk prepaid cards for child emergency telephones. The cell phones were out for the purpose of battery care and in the sports bag for emergencies. Now a friend tells me "is not anymore, gave me an SMS". The cards have to be charged every month, no matter if you have used the 10 , otherwise the number is gone.

Aldi, what are you talking about ??? !!!!

You can not just take away the credit and number from someone who has not been informed. Since one waits kindly, until the customer - yes, customer! - his phone turns back on and the SMS is delivered.

I also do not just go to your office when you are doing urlsub and you steal holes and pens!

Yes, that's right. That's stealing what you did there!


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