3 years ago

I enrolled in the Jesus Yanes School for Artists. ...

I enrolled in the Jesus Yanes School for Artists. This is my point of view after having been to many other schools. To start a music / singing class with 20 students it is a robbery. Clearly you are not going to give personalized vocal technique and if you are doing something wrong, Jesus is not going to notice. In addition to that most of the time Jesus simply tells his life or how impressive his books are (that most of the students do not care). He will also tell the thousand and fifty students that his voice has corrected, and that he does not sing well for other subjects, not for his technique.

The study teacher (which is also a robbery since we only give 20 minutes per student for the price of the course we paid) was on paternity leave, and do not believe that a substitute was sought with an already recovered everything was solved.

And now with the situation of the covid, they are acting in a totally reactive way without proposing solutions to their students and if they recover the classes and you cannot be, you lose the money. They do not take you into consideration or stop to look at the situation of each student. They also do not offer alternatives, my gym does not charge me and gives me online and dance classes more of the same. So I don't understand how a "school that in theory has privilege" can have such a bad management of a problem.

Not to mention the mismanagement of the galas, which when the three courses come together are eternal and cannot be enjoyed by either the students or the public. We are paying you 3,000 / 5,000. You really can't put on 3 days of galas a week, one for each course? Space up.

In short, at CEV communication is good until you pay. Once you pay, you become an "asset" and they only care about the benefit of money you contribute. Regardless of who you are or how you are. I still have not received any message from jesus asking if our families are ok. In short, as a student you sweat it and CEV more. And if you want to learn to sing or have a future as a singer, look for another school. Because this (as the saying goes) "promises promises until it gets in, and once it has gotten nothing of what was promised"


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