Lady Bestest

4 years ago

To Whom It May Concern:

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing concerning the company Mid-Atlantic Waterproofing located at, 9145 Guilford Rd, Suite 180, Columbus, MD 21046. With trust in the company, I had them to come out to my home to do evaluate and perform repairs within my home.

However I was only left feeling deceived, dissatisfied, and disappointed. Mid-Atlantic Waterproofing was responsible for repairing the foundation on the right side of my home because it was separating and causing the walls in my basement to mold. It was stated to them that I was very concerned because I have small children and family who resides with me. They tore down the wall with the mold on it, but that was it. No repairs were done to the right side of my home. Instead, after already tearing down my wall, it was stated to me that it would cost a lot of money to get the repairs done. Then it was suggest to me that I get a loan or have my 20 year old son to take out a loan in order to get the repairs done. I stated to them that I could not afford to apply for a loan because I am a single mom who is paying all my bills by myself. Instead of Mid-Atlantic Waterproofing fixing them problem that needed to be repaired, which I trusted them to do, they made matters worse and caused more damage to my home.

The gentleman from Mid-Atlantic Waterproofing that met with me on November 19, 2019 told me that they were going to dig six feet into my driveway so that they could fix the foundation. However, that which was stated to me was not done. Mid-Atlantic Waterproofing dug up concrete on the inside of my basement and also cut the 2x4s in the family room, bedroom, bathroom and the wall which is connected to the laundry room. This is not what was stated would be done in the process of my home repairs, which is very disappointing. Also, I was harassed by the company for refusing to sign a second agreement because I was unsatisfied with the way they left my home. They called and also had someone to come out to my home on their behalf to ask me to sign the agreement. Mid-Atlantic Waterproofing has taken advantage of me during this entire process. I believe part of that reasoning is due to me being a black single woman that has never had any foundation repairs done to my home. I believe they were able to take advantage of me knowing I didn t fully understand the contract instead of making sure everything was thoroughly broken down to me before signing the first agreement.

I have reached out to lawyers and tried to seek legal advice and help. Unfortunately, they are unwilling to assist me in this matter due to me not having the money to pay them. I have also reached out to my insurance company and they were also unable to assist me concerning this matter with Mid-Atlantic Waterproofing Company. I am reaching out and voicing my concerns with this company hoping that I will receive the help needed and be assisted with which steps to take for further action.

Thank you.


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