Grant Thomson

3 years ago

I highly recommend Scott. My wife and I were intro...

I highly recommend Scott. My wife and I were introduced to Scott through a trusted friend. My wife has had years of repetitive episodes of ill health ranging from Hashimoto's and other Thyroid and auto immune conditions to chronic fatigue where at times she could barely get out of bed after sleeping 10 hours. We had been to many different doctors without effect and we were looking for answers.

Scott specialises in gut health, women s health and a focus in Epi-genetics and Live blood analysis, which he does right there in front of you. He took my wife's blood samples, put it under the microscope and relayed it to a computer screen in front of us.

Scott explained to us what we were seeing with regard to my wife's blood and cellular health. He asked a few questions and within 5 minutes he was able to diagnose and show us what her major problem looked to be.

Scott has been trained and worked for 25 years in Germany where the natural health medicine is far in advance of that which we have experienced here in Australia.
From that extensive training and experience he designed a protocol that my wife took and the main problem rectified within 6 weeks.

The next challenge for my wife was her immune system. There were little to no white blood cells in her blood samples.
Scott introduced us to a leading cellular medical technology that assists with the energy output and cellular functions of the body.

We tried it and went back two weeks later for Live Blood tests to check the progress. The change in my wife's blood was staggering. White blood cells were plentiful and the blood cleaner. She feels great and is back in good health, I went from skeptical to fan, seeing the results before my eyes.

I can't recommend Scott highly enough if you are looking for advanced natural health treatments and solutions.


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