Bernie S.

5 years ago

I have been trying since May to have blatant mista...

I have been trying since May to have blatant mistakes corrected in my last appt with Dr. Lawrence in April. After speaking to his ofc person & going over line by line with her to clearly point out each and every error, I still did not receive a corrected record. After leaving a message with her reminding her it is my legal right to have these corrections recorded, I received a copy of an ofc note that corrected one serious error, but did not correct several others. Actually, she added yet another error to the note that wasn't in the original note.
I called your medical records dept to request a form be placed in my file indicating the errors made & my objections & corrections along with my comments describing Dr. Lawrences behavior during my visit. I was told by Medical Records "she had no idea if a form actually existed." No effort was made to connect me with someone who might be able to offer additional information.
My efforts to have my medical record corrected is my absolute right that so far has been ignored by this practice.


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