Bruce Beasley

3 years ago

Dodgy Sales People: My daughter and her boyfriend ...

Dodgy Sales People: My daughter and her boyfriend put an offer on a house this lot were selling yesterday and after a bit of tooing and froing the owner agreed with there offer and the kids signed a contract, they get a call sometime later from the agent to say congratulations the house is yours. Apparently the agent then held off giving that contract to the owners to sign until after today's open house. The agent almost Pooed himself when our kids walked in with my wife to show off what they thought was there new house today 2/12/17, low and behold someone else has made a higher offer and now our kids have missed out.

I know that its not illegal to do what he (the agent) did but most certainly immoral and indecent. No wonder Real Estate agents get labeled the used car salesmen of the building world, they will do anything for a few dollars more commission. I would say if you want to sell your house and get that little bit more (I guess we all would like that) then use this group, however if you are in the market to buy one steer well clear of them as they will break your heart.


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