Bun Long

3 years ago

Don t trust this company!

Don t trust this company!

This company is a property tax protest company but little do you know they have also have side businesses where they sell to their main business customers.

During hurricane Harvey my house got flooded. In the mix of all the chaos and disaster that happened to Houston they took advantage of the situation and started selling Hurricane Harvey IRS relief program package. When this package is sold to you, you think that it is part of their main business to help you protest your taxes on the property that got flooded but IT ISN T. It is a completely separate program that has NOTHING to do but protesting property taxes. This whole package is for somebody to alter your 2016 tax returns. (A job that an ACCOUNTANT does)

I got FOOLED into signing a contract with them. Now I owe them $4,500!!!
All they did was something that my CPA would have done for pennies on the dollar or for FREE!

500,000 homes were flooded during hurricane Harvey and all these people care about is making an extra dollar on people who lost so much!

If this doesn t show you what type of business this company is running then I don t know how else to put it.


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