Van Dardis

3 years ago

Just another new car dealership.

Just another new car dealership.

I visited Mike Brown on the recommendation of a friend, well used to be friend. I located what I want by myself and waited for someone to notice I was standing in front of the office, beside a new car for a while now and Charles finally appeared. I enquired about the pickup is was interested in and learned I had hit the lottery. "This vehicle sir is a great bargain; it is a dealer demo" great, how much is it. "well, it is required I get your location and contact info because Ford prices vehicles based upon where you live." I provided the requested info and the young man went inside and emerged with a price of $24,500. I asked for the key, and again he had to return indie. I guess people don't look in cars anymore when shopping. We looked insider and discussed a couple of additions to the vehicle for which I offered to pay 1/2 the cost. According to the sales manager, in person, we had a deal.
I returned to Stephenville and got my old truck and had my wife follow me to Granbury so I could drop of the trade-in because we had a deal. When we arrived, I determined I lacked a grasp of the English language. You see, we have a deal meant we have a deal if you are dumb enough to give us another $8,000 dollars. While I like to think $800 dollars is a lot of money, I'm pretty sure anyone that knows me will attest I dang sure don't make $8,000 misunderstandings or mistakes!
Mike Brown Ford is just another new car dealership. Their word means absolutely nothing to them and the fact they are trying to jack you up doesn't offend them in the least. I was offended, not by their trying to jack me up, but by their indignant behavior that I did stand for it. It was like "You just don't understand we do this all the time and get away with it."
Stay away from this dealership...it ain't worth the trouble...really.

Van B Dardis


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