Marty Brown

4 years ago

On Christmas Eve we brought my daughter to St. Cha...

On Christmas Eve we brought my daughter to St. Charles Emergency room because she was losing her baby and was suicidal.
The first person we met was a nasty cold social worker who didn't seem one bit interested in what brought us to bring her to the ER. The next day my daughter told us about the cruel ER Physician who treated her with contempt because she wanted an ultrasound to check on her dying 5 month fetus. He told her it didn't matter since it was dying and it was just a clump of cells. Women miscarry and babies die all the time.

Had I been aware of her mistreatment I'm not sure how I would have reacted towards this callus heartless old doctor.

Thank God for St Charles Birthing Center. Every one of the nurses we came in contact with were so caring and genuinely concerned kind and pure angels. They helped her through the hardest thing a woman can possibly imagine and that is delivering a dead baby.

I hope you will track down and get rid of the horrible excuse for a human being who was tending patients in the ER Christmas Eve. He obviously has become so callus and heartless he is not fit to be seeing anyone with a soul.

The psychiatrist who made rounds on December 27th was also w/o feelings as well. He pushed his way into her birthing room room 170 accompanied by the nasty social worker she saw on Christmas Eve and asked her how she was as she cradled her dead baby.

All I can say is "wow". I am filing a complaint.


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