Aline Jaimes

3 years ago

Revised based on my last visit on 12/05/20

Revised based on my last visit on 12/05/20
The issue between the lack of communication between the front desk and therapist has a huge impact on the service, experience and ultimately price.

Make sure you ask throughout your visit from the appointment call for a breakdown of the services and cost, same at the check in and prior you get into the session. They don't communicate well or maybe there is another reason (?) Which I want to believe is just miscommunication. They did charge me for a service that I had to walk thru at the session bc the person didn't know and the order of the treatment was backwards bc she did not know I was in for what I had asked for. In hindsight I should have asked for a refund at the front desk bc the results were much less effective than the 1st time when I actually got the single treatment. I just wanted to add a microdermabrasion but she started with that so my skin was already irritated to go back to get the rest. So I assume there was some shortcut treatment I received to fix the original requested. I did get charge full price.


Best facial results ever. Better communication between the front desk and the therapist will be desirable for a better experience. The facial was amazing.


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