3 years ago

The people I talked to are informative and underst...

The people I talked to are informative and understanding. The only problem is... the online or call customer services. Its a waste of time, really.

I called their hotline, inputted the right numbers based on my concerns and then they will tell you that "This is BPI PHILAM LIFE" not BPI PHILAM and they will redirect me, and while on hold- CUT OFF. EVERY FREAKING TIME.

I told them every call that I ALWAYS BEEN GETTING CUT OFF and they still insist to wait. Wait for what? I'm getting cut off every time they "transfer me" to the correct person.

6 times this happened, IN A DAY. and NO ONE LISTENED.

Then, one lady told me that BPI PHILAM HOTLINE IS 85285500, and whenever I tried dialing that it never went through.


I give up. Their customer service should be as sold as the one-on-one service the bank provide for walk in clients. Not all people have time to go to their branches without affecting their workload.


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