Dan Tan

4 years ago

We went there 4 people. 2 men 2 kids. There were 3...

We went there 4 people. 2 men 2 kids. There were 3 family in the line, had been waiting for the horses. Later on many people arrived to the ranch and they went back of the line. There were many people behind us on the line (35-40)I don t want to know why but we were the last people who finally got the horses after waiting 35-40 minutes on the line. We tipped a person who really took care of the kids who scared during the ride and we really appreciated him. After our vacation we went back home and thought why they gave us the horses after all the people got their horses and let us waited that long. Even though we were on the line after 2 family. Then we understood that possible they thought we were gay partner with 2 kids. And also while we were waiting on the line, my nephew told to one of the rancher that after he asked he is from san francisco :)).

We like the ride. But we didn t like that they had put us at the end of the line. We know that they pick the people base on the horses size. But that can t be an excuse bec they have so many horses for any size of people.

Honestly, this is not the first time that we felt uncomfortable how people stared us during our vacation in the cafe or taking pictures together in that beautiful national park. Thats why i always tell my niece and nephew that call me in the public uncle not just my name. Because people dont think that divorced brothers and kids could also travel together.


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