Rikki King

4 years ago

I live at club Valencia on Parker rd. In the last ...

I live at club Valencia on Parker rd. In the last several weeks sheriffs have been circling my apartment complex late at night, 1am to 3am, with their spot lights on the building in everyone's Windows while they sleep at night! Now that it's hot out and the Windows are open for cool night air it seems like it's every night yet there's no crimes being committed, no fugitives at large and on the run, this is completely absurd! I understand some of my neighbors may not be the most upstanding citizens but in the two years I've lived here I have not seen or heard of any crime here. Every night my entire apartment lights up like the sun and my dogs bark like mad, like they should, I am rudely awakened as are my neighbors and the officers pass by so incredibly slowly it's nearly a minute before it passes. These officers are making a statement in doing this. It feels like a police state or a war zone with These bully tactics, this makes me and everyone else I've spoken to about it feel like we're prisoners. We're free tax paying homeowners in this community! That's right, free hard working American citizens just living life. Everyone here is quiet and mindful of others in our community and we demand the officers who have been terrorizing us at night learn how to do the same and be respectful of the people in the county that employs them! I've had enough of this and it's getting worse!! I'm writing this tonight after being rudely woken up once again with this but this time the officers cruiser stopped just past my home for over an hour for whatever reason and when I looked outside the officer was at a vehicle prying open its doors breaking in and setting off the alarm!! I have no idea what the objective was behind this but when I looked outside I saw the officer breaking into my neighbors car, yes BREAKING into the car with no one else anywhere in sight. I assume my neighbor wasn't home since he wasn't out there. I looked outside to see what was going on right in time to clearly see as plain as day the officer circle the car with his flashlight on foot, then break into the car setting off the alarm, and proceed to illegally enter the vehicle with its alarm sounding to do God knows what! Is this something I need to worry about when I park my car and go to sleep at night? Will they pick my car to break into tomorrow? This is like living in a POW camp just waiting for it to be you. I honestly don't know what was going on or why I saw what I saw but that car had been there in that spot for a day or two so it couldn't have just been in some crime and here the police are breaking into it in the middle of the night and waking up the whole neighborhood in the process? It absolutely can NOT be legal for the police to do that? At least I hope here in America, people's property is safe and protected from such disgusting displays of disrespect for people's property to the degree of vandalism by a public servant clearly disregarding the law and completely abusing their power! Is this officer just another sovereign citizen with a badge. I knew what I was seeing was so illegal I was afraid to go ask what was going on in an attempt to look out for my neighbors property! If an officer is willing to damage someone's property for no reason in the middle of the night I've got to fear for my safety as a witness to it to the point I knew it would put me in great danger just to go ask what was going on. This man has a gun, a tazer, other assorted weapons, and is trained to hurt people and their breaking the law! This is a terrorist! One cannot help but feel like their community is officially being overtaken by armed thugs at night! I will inform my neighbor of everything I saw and not let this go without an explanation of why that officer stopped and randomly pried open that cars door until it popped open and set off the alarm at 3AM when nothing was happening and no one was around! The sec camera on my patio has dozens of late night light ups, it's a solid history of harassment. Do I need to meet with an attorney to get this to stop? I hope not!


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