Aiko Shemali

4 years ago

If terrible customer service, a crippled great gra...

If terrible customer service, a crippled great grandmother, and an angry flock of ducks made a hotel, this would be it.

I just got off the phone with the hotels general manager, to when I threatened to leave a bad review, threatened me 'if you take that route, I'll go and leave your business a bad review everywhere too.' This man has not even stepped foot onto my practice. When I then confronted him about that, stated 'well, I wouldn't as a person but that's basically what you're saying you'll do to us.' He also threatened me to go through our emails and have my review removed? Reviews are here to express valid opinions on businesses. Threatening guests who want to leave bad reviews is extremely unprofessional.
This is my review.

This hotel's valet damaged my car door so the bottom of the door is popped loose. The entire bottom panel needs to be replaced. This was 200% on the hotel and their rude, aggressive valet.

After their valet damaged my door (did not apologise, said it was 'only a scratch,' tried to clean up and sweep onto the street the plastic parts that had fallen off of my car) I went and filed a damage claim, which they filled out inaccurately. I asked their receptionists to waive my parking, which had been charged onto the card I had asked them not to charge it onto in the first place, and they did, which was the very least they could do. Feeling threatened by their angry valet, I went into their neighbouring self park garage to examine my car out of their tiny hotel entrance.

The bottom of my car door was loose, popped out and moving. The GM came out to examine it and told me I'd have to get a few quotes from different body shops to get my car fixed. I told him I only wanted it fixed at one, as my car is very, very expensive and it's my baby. He paid me 16 dollars to get out of the garage, and told me I'd hear from them.

I took my car in to get a quote which turned out to be 278 dollars. After a few days of bickering, I finally got them to agree to fixing it where I wanted it to fix it.

They said I'd have to cover my own transportation.
Hold up, what?! Why am I paying for transportation when it was their fault my car was damaged?! To be honest, i shouldn't ask. It's because they're not going through insurance. I emailed their front office manager, Blake, telling him that I did expect them to pay for my transportation up to 175 dollars, as I'm unable to get a rental car and am limited to uber. I did not hear back. I called and asked Eric to pay for my transportation, and he said no, because they were 'already breaking the law by not going through insurance.' I want to mention, when I called the body shop, they made a point of telling me how unprofessional and unpleasant to deal with this hotel has been for them too.

I told him to go through insurance then.
He then said that if he did, I would have no say in where my car was fixed and he didn't know how long it'd take. I told him to call and find out details and email me. He was extremely defensive throughout this and then upon me saying 'I don't want to have to leave a bad review for this.' He said, 'if you take that route, then I'll go and leave bad reviews for where you work.' Shady and trying to be intimidating. I then told him to get me the info on insurance and hung up. I'm quite certain they think I'm refusing to get it fixed thru insurance, but it's quite the opposite. I just want the details, because I highly doubt the insurance will give me no choice on where I want it fixed, and I want to know how long it'll take to get it fixed through them, as I leave the country in June.

This is where I'm at now. I almost guarantee that this hotel will reply and try to pin this on me, but this is their carelessness and unprofessionalism causing a problem.

On the hotel itself, the bathrooms and rooms are pitifully small, the shower didn't have a door, the heater was on the entire time and had no option of AC (if we were hot, we could 'open the windows'!!1!1!1!) and there was no place to set your stuff. Come and get me, Eric. :)


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