

3 years ago

This is going to be a long one.

This is going to be a long one.

I am going to be completely honest. The rides were pretty good! But we had to buy express tickets to cut the que. However, to be in the first seats in many roller coasters u had to pay an extra 5 , wich is nothing when u paid around 100 for entrance and fastexpress tickets per person. Pretty expensive thoe. But worth it since you had to que for around 1,5-2h per ride, and i was there on a monday.

Now here is my issue: The staff was horrible. I cannot remember a single time that i've gotten that bad service, not even at mcdonalds. I stayed at the park from opening to closing, and i met 1 person who actually seemed to care about their customers. Almost nobody knew moderate english and they did not talk to nice to any of the customers, they were very heated, u could not ask a single question once u were about to get on the ride, and there is no possibility to ask durring the line, and sometimes u couldn't get on the ride because of issues, for example:

there were a ride involving water, once i arrived to the front of the line i noticed they did not have any shelfs for the visitors to put their stuff in (this is in order to make us buy waterproof bags from their stores for an unresonable amount of money) and when i asked, she said the exact frase "with you, in the boat", so i assumed they had waterproof slots by the seats, but no, she meant that i am supposed to have them in MY pockets, so i took the childrens phones so they could ride the attraction (to be on the safe side) and i decided to wait by the exit instead. They come out SOAKED! The phones could'nt ever survive that and the staff don't give a flying f**k about it, made me very displeased.

So yeah, if u have all the money in the world and wanna spend it on moderately good rides and horrible staff, this is your paradice!

But if you are not bill gates, don't come here.

I cannot decide if you are paying your staff too much or too litte, but you seriously need to concider changing the manager of hiring.

Hugs and kisses, never again.


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