Momma Maria

3 years ago

What a JOKE! I find it funny that one of the goog...

What a JOKE! I find it funny that one of the google photos for the socalled Plano "police" department is someone handing over a wad of money! Cause you gotta have a wad of cash on you to get any of them to do their jobs!

I've lived on a street with three stop signs on it for many years now, and people use it as a back entrance and cut thru from businesses and a major street. And none of them stop at these stop signs! I've lost the count of the number of THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of times where I was almost rammed, hit, sideswiped, or killed by these violent deranged criminals speeding through here 24/7 and NEVER stopping for anything or anybody! I filed complaints for years with absolutely NO interest in these violent criminals from the socalled "police" at all! Hell, even the "police" speed through all these stop signs as well, talk about corruption!

They also park on this street, and some of it is marked with a red zone stripe that says "no parking fire zone" and still the police don't do anything to these criminals! There are several violent idiots who just slam on their brakes and park in the middle of the street too! Some of them do park near the curb in the legal area, but they are like 3 to 6 feet away from the curb and STILL the "police" dont do their job and do something about these idiots blocking traffic and making things even more dangerous for everybody who lives around here!

The school buses are driven by violent criminals as well, as they speed down roads, speed through stop signs and red lights and turn right from the other side of the road and all sorts of violent dangerous stuff like that, and STILL the "police" just SIT there doing nothing!

But OMG!!! You go 1 mile an hour over the speed limit and they are all over your ass!!!

Corruption at its finest!


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