3 years ago


TERRIBLE CUSTOMER SUPPORT ON THE PHONE, I ordered tickets and had them shipped to my house(confirmation of shipping and eta email) but after the shipping eta had passed by almost a week I called and it took almost an hour to get an answer that they did not even ship them and they will only allow us to have them on our account electronically and we will have no hard copy tickets. I gave them my confirmation that they were shipped and she said that they will ship them out now but we will have to pay a different price now for the same dates as there was some promotion and they will have to charge us %20 more for tickets to be shipped. THAT'S $406.60 FOR DISNEY TO SHIP US OUR TICKETS THAT WE ALREADY PAID FOR. We already paid over $2000 for tickets, how cheap can you be Disney. Customer support is one of the most important things that separates good companies from bad, disney seems to be failing on this front at least with there phone help center.


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