1 year ago

This may be mosser companies greatest downfall! My story

I give mosser co. Negative a billion stars, do not rent with these properties for extensive period of time, since I have been here, it started it out seemingly to be a decent apartment despite being very pricey (too expensive) the safety deposit and first months rents, I was able to move in fair enough thanks to a hard earned but valuable housing voucher, the first issue was the management, he never really gave any specific reasonable accommodation or recommended additives about regulatory safety concerns until his job was at stake for his own vantage, didn't really showcase the apartment well either, to brief a long narrative, a hostile and blameworthy tenant from hell, whom according to his illegitimacy arrived from residential treatment facilitated care or institutionalization (a derogatory regulation system oppressive environment for mentally ill and or loose ludicrous straggler societal upheaval deficit) and resulted to crapped up to being an absolute waste of vacancy (a zapped mindless psychopath rambunctiously cruel and rapidly nerve-wrackingly timid) senselessly beating behind any and all bushes the plants Eden's garden a friendly welcoming territory, to plant bombshells and holes in anything full light life or love just ominously tumultuous, he lacks anything considerable in anyone and that's the furthest understatement, doesn't matter time of day or evening, this spiteful tyrant will over react to nothing but peace and quiet residing from us, and break every rule that life liberty and sanity that goodness sake has set in place for me being here and the rest of my friendly companions around who are being constantly underminded by his minority miniscule ruthlessness and vicious attempts to ruin everything around it's peace of mind, simply put just incredulous at how pathetic he has violated all the policies that every lease in America holds, he will unmistakably act a complete maniac and robustly slam everything around jump all over nothing disgustingly out of control, bang on each wall just passed anybody's real energetic boundaries or livable quality of accomodations knock on the corners of the floor spying on us and our personal privacy knowing that we especially, so unfortunately for us, have to suffer tirelessly directly under him, whatever his life falls gawkingly passive aggressive and pitifulness and outrage bleak to an overdone surmounted bondage destroying any reaction or normal practical breathing room from us just being fair not being bothersome as he does, he do anything and everything just to upset us entirely me whose held myself respectable the entire time during the whole situation knowing that's not how you live anywhere unless your seriously mentally unstable and require long-term punishment, regardless I don't care for it any longer, since the beginning days of this full fledge catastrophy of living here through mosser co. I contacted peyoter the temporary management on site after a good 2 months of illiterate illness torture and breakdown with a monster hounding me from upstairs on my apartment all the time for no reason though, I warned him before coming to inspect the situation about the impediment of the neglectful troublesome ailment upstirring above the roof over my head and he became immediately dismissive, this management team here of mosser companies is impervious to say the least, after me successfully living here no real dilemnas too chaotic until the tenant in room #408 decided to hop on in, my god just no! Also there's roaches here, they weren't so bad at first but then they began swarming us and ended up appearing in the kitchen on our food everywhere, they crawled on me in my bed while I was sleeping and make us extremely uncomfortable at night and during the daytime it is out of this world! Please lord no! Never this place these places or this offender! He came in arguing against every complaint I had with consistent noises stemming from above the ceiling, as he entered my apartment we both could clearly hear and wait without time for observation exact instant thudding and thumping stomping on the ground noises flowing from only one direction of my apartment, seriously this was 2 months after the villain showcased his distress never welcome to a normal or good situation like the way it slightly tried to be, at first my apartment never had this problem, I recogned his face absurdly emotionless and reflecting generalization and no real concern, to no surprise his dismissal of the noise and avoidance dishonesty didn't even address it, I'm certain we both heard it anything would have been annoyed or startled at the severity of how loud it all was, he falsely stated, I don't hear anything maybe the elevator, he pathetically suggested, I decided to take immediate intervention on the serious matter at hand concerning the neighbor making uproar and unrestful noises at void demise, advance this manager directly to real proof about the issue despite other violations the tenant commited, like slandering my good name here with mosser companies upon arrival accusing me of commiting his intrusive hypocrisy and disorderly conduct, also in broad daylight captured on camera, the hallways in the buildings supposedly have security cameras but as a tenant here resident relations never gave me access to any footage regarding this tenant violently breaching the law commiting vandalism destroying the property here trying literally break my door in and sceptically break into my apartment to destroy my belongings property and murder me ruin my whole life and commit a just tragic tragic bloodthirsty sex offense and or hate crime and murder me, or to steal my valuable possessions nasty just vial while I'm gone from my apartment and my stuff is being scorned, just the worst thing that should never happen to anyone friendly and respectable like myself, I returned home to a busted vandalized door in addition to early in the mid morning the whee hours while I was sleeping the tenant through something hostilely through my window as hard as he could trying to scare me and make me fear for my life and panic and harm me, luckily the window was strong enough to catch the item he tried to haul it me through my window glass just to severely hurt me and damage me physically but I was protected by the glass, these two issues occured on camera and resident relations the only number required to get any service with mosser companies as a tenant did not provide me with accomodational footage of the incident during the time he broke the rules destroyed the property and attempted to break in to seriously commit something horrendous, In addition to that the laundry room facilities here are run down, I've been here 2 years the machines never work, they eat your quarters, theres no change machine to receive quarters for paper bills to start the laundry and the washers constantly breakdown halfway through the cycle and don't finish in addition to the dryers never fully drying your clothes, also the security maintenance of the property is severely poor, on several occasions I have encountered stragglers and gross crooked panhandlers sleeping in the hallway and approaching the laundry room facilities to steal residents who live and pay to reside here's laundry, such as mine, on several occasions now actually 4 emergency accidents occured where I was attempting to safely get my laundry clean and tidy, but fell 2 minutes short on delay when it came to arriving on time to pick up my laundry from the laundromat/laundry room facilities the one provided here it's terrible it's the worst, my clothes were relentlessly stolen by I'm certain stragglers or (carriers with extra baggage, not from local or around here, bad news usually troublesome, requiring, not allowed to be here, homeless, who snuck in against the policies and poor security maintenance system here that protects our safety and property and belongings, and they ruthlessly captured, stole all of my laundry, [LITERALLY 4 LOADS OVER A PERIOD OF TIME REPEATED OFFENDERS] because I was slightly late RETRIEVING picking up my precious belongings [my clothes] *a suggestion everyone always watch your laundry if your using a public laundromat and make sure to pick up your items on time, don't be late like me the consequences are a promise sadly! Now my wardrobe is miniscule is can get, I have about a 4th of my laundry, loads worth of clothes to wear when I get up everyday and go outside to try and dress and look nice, I'll never be able to replace those clothes either they were special novelties gifts from my dad, very rare all gone thanks to mosser co. Poor maintenance and countrywide delinquency, I have no good clothes left this hurts too bad everything, and the laundry room has a camera possibly a suspicious laundry attendant working corrupt, too much to explain, to end a terrible nightmare of reasons resident relations the only number available to reach anyone gave no advice to my laundry disaster and offered no help or assistance with the security issues I reported saddest of all they never offered any means of RETRIEVING camera footage that video taped detail proof of the criminals openly trespassing the property and stealing my stuff on site, the cameras here serve no real good purpose because the management and customer service team that deals with everything here is too bad extremely bad, finally we're moving after me suffering 2 years of torture and endless stalemate, also the 2 incidents that occured as I mentioned with the tenant above happened before peyoter the temporary unhelpful property manager came to visit my apartment after two months of me regretfully complying resting peacefully assuming the harassment from the violator upstairs would immensely end, it did not surprisingly and after all that vandalism and he even posted death threats on my door breaking the law and embarrassing my property humiliating me making me look like a victim and a criminal, doing everything above hell and high water to make me over do everything fair and unfair, he made noises directly above us while this manager peyoter was in my apartment, I even showed him video footage of the noise being made in my apartment, a recording of the wall while I was away from the camera just to show the loud thuds thumping vicious stumping overflowing from the ceiling above e with no one one under it doing anything there, and ofcourse as proof rained this tenant a felon from every extent, the manager ignored the videos proof accused me of lying about the truth instead and tried to convince me to believe the noise was made up in my head stating he saw the video clip and heard no noise, worst of all that manager was immediately reprimanded and fired for poor service this entire time the building and the property had been under no ones no control no security, and much worst I reported all this tragedy to the main manager vida emami the manager how supposedly received honors and is a superior to the temporaryanager who got laid off peyoter, she supervises this whole community and from the first day the violations happened I warned her and reported it, she made no response apparently defended the tenant who continues to harass me and everyone else and tried to accuse me of the false misconstrued accusations the tenant from above my apartment keeps lying about, he is intolerable to say it fairly, I've been put through everything here thanks to him, and her taking his side, apparently recently she finally answered the phone after 8 months of me warning her about the craziness upstairs and how it ruined our lives with no response, not a single action or reaction any normal management would have saw my girnedly compliance with all the rules since I've been here day one, a true hero, fairly nice respecting the peace just being tortured and stepped up to the podium and fixed the situation, but no so she finally answered completely unhelpful after almost a year with the worst set up in every way a ruining obstacle before anything lifes true establishment, and I had to be apologetic and friendly knowing she finally gave me some time after being unfairly inconsiderate, we're moving to much better circumstances very soon and no more mosser anything thank God everything's going to be be sweet on our souls after years of trying to last, a beautiful opportunity lies for us there, it's my dream come true for me attaining to be the greatest artist of all time, and we'll never deal with mosser companies ever again! I wish the best for all who learned about this! My story thanks and I wish the best for you all! Good people and supportive systems matter! Stay positive! Don't trust mosser companies! -chance goss *a 2 year resident from the 840 van ness location.


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