3 years ago

Want to learn how the "Desert Protection Package" ...

Want to learn how the "Desert Protection Package" scam works? Read below.

"At least we were honest." Another Dodge dealer said this about LHM, referring to how they openly advertised over-MSRP prices whereas LHM falsely tells customers to drive in (sometimes from great distances, as in my case) with a promise of MSRP. "It's really MSRP? No catch?" I'd asked. "No catch."

There was a catch. They force you to either walk out or buy a $4,000 "Desert Protection Package" consisting of a bunch of stuff you probably don't want and which is not even close to the value they charge for. They also instruct you to submit paperwork to Dodge showing MSRP prices while separating the Desert Protection Package -- so it does not harm their order process or future allocations.

After repeatedly protesting both the false advertisement and stating I knew what they were doing and marking the "MSRP" box on Dodge paperwork was dishonest, I again raised the issue months later. What does this conversation tell you about how LHM views customers?

I met in person and stated a business case to the second in line manager to give them one more chance: I am an under 30 year old buyer purchasing a ~$100,000 vehicle in cash. Lifelong Dodge/Mopar nut. Health and luck willing, years of future vehicle purchases ahead of me. Buying a halo vehicle (Challenger Demon) which I will drive every day, take to shows and car clubs, drag race, and which I will talk to hundreds or thousands of people about. And when they ask about where I got it and if I got screwed, what will my honest story be? Do you want me to have good truth to tell? Or a truth of false advertisement, dishonest paperwork, having "we could have charged you more" thrown in my face many times? What's worth more, $4,000 now for goods/services I have said many times I do not want, or making a happy customer who will help your reputation?

That's how I framed it.

You can guess their answer.

(Yes. I did complete the purchase. Yes, I could have walked. Yes, other dealers did charge more for Demon (and many did not, selling for the profit margin built into MSRP). The situation with the Demon was unique because they were selling out rapidly and I had already invested a 4 hour round trip to drive to LHM as the last allocations were running out in AZ and neighboring states... I know from calling ALL of them. Still, $4,000 vs. doing the right thing for a potentially long-time customer and their reputation for honesty? That says a LOT. I will never shop from this dealer again and will share the truth to anyone who asks.)


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