1 year ago

Mrs. Gabrielle Crofts is a PROFESSIONAL SCAMMER,SH...

Mrs. Gabrielle Crofts is a PROFESSIONAL SCAMMER,SHE is under a full investigation and there is enough evidence to put Mrs. Crofts in PRISON for a very long term.

Comments: (4)

Morris Gunst aka Morris Christie I have won a 5 year Misconducts Restraining Order against in the Magistrates Court in Rockingham WA. The Failure to remove these offensive disgusting unture baseless rants and accusations which are provably completely false and defammation, is a breach of the MRO Orders given which he has been served in August. I will be going to Court to report this. Please remove these unhinged false reviews immediately Yours Sincerely Tess McNamara formerly Gabrielle Crofts 18th September 2023

Tess McNamara

Morris Gunst aka Morris Christie I have won a 5 year Misconducts Restraining Order against in the Magistrates Court in Rockingham WA. The Failure to remove these offensive disgusting unture baseless rants and accusations which are provably completely false and defammation, is a breach of the MRO Orders given which he has been served in August. I will be going to Court to report this. Please remove these unhinged false reviews immediately Yours Sincerely Tess McNamara formerly Gabrielle Crofts 18th September 2023

These posts are by Morris Lesley Christie aged 75 of Sydney New South Wales. He has become totally unhinged mentally ill fixated person. I have both Federal Police Clearance and WA Police Clearance. I have never ever been involved in anything illegal, dodgy or scams. I live a very saintly life devout Christian Bishop. I gave evidence against this man Morris Leslie Christie in SCWA 45 of 2016 Christie V Christie. Read the judges ratio decidendi concerning his reliability and evidence that was false int he case on oath. Police are currently looking for Morris L Christie in Sydney NSW to issue him a summons to appear in court, added to his long history of criminal convictions in both WA and in NSW as reported in Christie v Christie 2016 SCWA 45

the person is seriously mentally unhinged writing this garbage of lies. The POlice are currently searching for his whereabouts in Sydney or New South Wales if you know him tell police they need to serve him

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