
qw erty
Review of Impero Software

3 years ago

i LoVe This aRe Aop bEcasE iT aRE aN!and RO lOX M...

i LoVe This aRe Aop bEcasE iT aRE aN!and RO lOX MinedCREft1111
aLSo instakiLLERgra, and twiter and rawr xd! whICH meaens I doN'T gET cYBER Ullied ANd dDos'ded. Howevel! i rate 1 because it ans my furrY dAyTINg we sItes so I csannot usE rp DIaLECT, LEIK *snuggles up with u and notices bulge* oWo whats this? anD SO I CANYT YIFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11 mY ferIEND DOGGO/wolf woneds A m@ASter H@@@ackiermg i ARE first yt chanel are VANOSSGAMING! E

I also CaNnOT wATcH tHe MANimes, such AS sAO aNd aTtAck On TitAn, SeINfIeld AnD aIrPlaNE iNtRuctiON vIMmeos FRom ThE '90s, AND ALSO I CANNOT WATCH oGaN aUL . E E E E E

whence shall thy reDuce thE LoOD sHed bY dEar rEaTHrEn, CauSeD By ThiS trogLODYTIc sOftWaRe

it's lil' tay, oochhh, and I have 10000000000000 IQ!!!1!11!! Go AWayAYSGAS

im so cOLD! Man GOT ROASTED!!!!!111!11111!!!1111!!!!!!

Better be scared...

becasue iamsknwon for FlEXuAL aSSUalt!!!

flex that HuNNud k ICE on ma wrisS!



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