Marc Aldous

3 years ago

The good, the bad, and the ugly!!!!!

The good, the bad, and the ugly!!!!!
(The good)- Last Tuesday I went to Larry H. Miller on 22nd street and Columbus in Tucson Az and talked to "Bob" the salesman that met me in the lot as i was looking around for a bigger vechical since my family grew by one this past week. Bob was great he asked me what i was looking for showed me a few different vechical's and we picked a couple to work some numbers on. Finally about a half hour later Bob and I settled for one that would fit my budget. He went back and we got numbers that where a little out of my range so he went back and came out with new numbers that came down to 370.00 a month and $0.00 down. I was in awww by this because it was what i was looking for. We signed the paperwork and went back to finance signed my paperwork there and i was on my way out with my new vechical. (The bad) - fast forward this story after having the vechical for a week I got a call from the finance manager stating that she need a moment of my time. She started out with I am very sorry to tell you this but we where not able to finance you with any of our banks so you are going to have to come up with a co signer or bring the vechical back to us here at the dealership. I was lost for a moment I told her then what was the other day I came to the dealer I signed all the paperwork and drove off amd now you are telling me that I need a co signer or bring it back. She stated yes because we let you leave the dealer based on a spot delivery. I was like what the hell is that she explained it and I told her I was never informed of this in any paperwork that was done I thought this was a done deal and we moved on. She stated no and I will give you a few days to figure things out or you will need to bring the vechical back. (The ugly)- Here we are in one week later I had to talk to my mother in law about co signing and she did last night. I called the finance this morning and she stated ok i will let you know by this afternoon if everything goes through. At 2pm or so this afternoon the dealer called and stated that everything went through and they could get me financed but there was a small hickup. The finance department stated that instead of it being 370 a month now we are looking at 426 a month or so and 1000 dollar deposit. I asked her what happen to 370.00 at 0.00 down she stated that was on approved credit I told her then what was that last week when they came out with thier original offer she avoided my question and went back to her original statement. This whole situation and rating wouldnt have happen if they would have been up front and honest. Instead I am here writing this statement in hopes that the manager at the dealer reads this or someone in corprates reads it also. I would have never left the lot in a thousand years if i knew what i know now.


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