
Review of Impero Software

4 years ago

impero is a glorified shoulder surfing software

impero is a glorified shoulder surfing software

I type in personal login details that can be seen and logged so people can easily see my personal data. i did not consent to this and if i did, i was not made aware of what all of this would entail. its not like anyone likes to view pornography in lessons. it can also be used to hack my screen and make me click on stuff i might not want to. none of this i agree with. It's obnoxious. You can type in the most random of words: and you guessed it, it's blocked under the 'games category'. I'm all for firewalls, but this is ridiculous. the fact that teachers have this power genuinely scares me, not because we cant access our discord chatroom but because of the way that impero can be abused. this contradicts our freedom with "hate speech" being illegal, despite the offence having no exact definition. Why are we silencing ideas, yes some lead down a dark path such as the Nazi party, but considering this device is similar to the gestapo's tactics I don't think people would be too concerned.

it does have a few advantages, such as making polls, broadcasting to other screens and allowing teachers to keep students safe, but this is largely overshadowed by the students who believe their privacy is being invaded, which is understandable. i myself being a student and a logical one at that understand how impero can be used positively, i accept its necessity as a vital piece of software for IT technicians and teachers but it has the ability to not only view login data but also log it which is an issue that must be fixed.

another idea is a feature for impero to be able to remove some of its restrictions at breaks or lunchtimes so students can play computer games at these times, so they may have some access to recreational activities at the suitable times.


a student who fears for their personal data


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