Katie Lundy

4 years ago



Me and a few others overheard a staff member say: "We do toe clippings and vaccinations first because they are easy and fast and save the hard sick ones for the end because they can be confusing and take awhile."

You will wait for hours to be seen because they are horribly understaffed. This is perfectly acceptable for shots and other simple treatments since it lowers the cost like a McVets but can result in tragedy during a life threatening event.

While I waited to my left was a kitten that had been accidentally stepped on and to my right was a dog suffering form either poisoning or a neurological issue as it struggled with its balance. When I heard they had been waiting for hours I packed up my cat and took him elsewhere.

The people there do love animals but in a stressful situation they look lost and on the verge of panicking. I sat and listened to the receptionist getting more and more flustered as more and more complaints rolled in.

One lady complained about being there for over two hours which illicited responses like, 'well everyone has been waiting.' And 'you'll just have to wait there is nothing we can do.'

These people were genuinely concerned about their pets and they got no empathy or understanding. Just curt and typically rude responses blaming the customers for the long waits rather than taking responsibility for their staffing issues.

I was severely disappointed but in the interest of honesty I'd like to reiterate that if you need spayed/neutered, vaccinations etc it is very difficult to beat their prices and on good days the people are polite and professional. They also told us that if our animal collapsed or otherwise became borderline dead they would try to see us immediately.

But anyone with a passing laymen's understanding of medicine knows that if you wait for that major event the likelihood of survival dips to almost zero.

Please do not take your best friend here in an emergency, you're risking their life. But if it is run of the mill maintenance and upkeep, they are good people who love animals and the prices are hard to beat. But let's be honest here, it is a McVets and if they were honest with themselves they would tell people they do not offer emergency services and stick to the 'simple and fast' procedures they love and leave the 'hard sick ones' for vets with a decent triage system.


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